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April 07, 2016 Marketing

10 Tips to Design Your Website for Lead Generation

Guest Blog Post by Brian Hong

Like most businesses, your website is probably the number one source of leads for your business online. However, many business owners don't know the best ways to optimize their websites to produce superior results. Here are 10 tips to help you design your website for lead generation to help you boost your response rates.

1. Include Contact Information

Adding your offline contact information to your website may seem like it is not the best idea, especially if your goal is to increase your sales online. However, some customers may have questions or prefer to do business over the phone or in-person with your company. There is simply no reason to shut out these customers simply because they prefer another method of contact. In addition, having the contact information for your business available on your website builds trust with your customers by letting them know that there are real people behind your website.

2. Invest in Security and Marketing Best Practices

You can also built trust by taking the steps to ensure that your website is secure, does not send subscribers spam emails and clearly outlines how subscribers’ information will be used. By making a commitment to ethical marketing, privacy and security you can vastly improve the image of authority and trust for your website.

3. Get Rid of the Stock Photos

If you want people to trust your website, it is time for you to get rid of the stock photos. This doesn’t mean that you can’t use any graphics on your website. It simply means that you should use customized graphics that have been especially designed for your business by a graphic designer. You can also boost your lead generation by including photos of your team or the lead executives on important landing pages.

4. Use Video

Visual content makes up much of the content that is consumed by online users today. As a result, you should use video if you want to bring in more leads. Use video on your landing pages to reinforce your message and add a branded and personalized feel to the page. To give you an idea of the power of video, according to recent figures from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), 75 percent of U.S. senior executives plan to shift their budgeting from television to digital video ads.

5. Use Custom Logos and Seals

If your business is in an industry where products and services are graded by third-party organizations, you should make sure to use these logos and seals on your website. They may include trust seals, membership logos or eco­labels, such as the USDA Certified Organic or Energy Star Rating eco­labels.

6. Improve Your Call to Actions

Call to action phrases are important for getting visitors to sign up for your offer. Improve your call to actions by incorporating power words and personalization. According to Hubspot, personalized CTAs resulted in a 42% higher conversion rate than generic CTAs.

7. Segment Users

Segmenting users is important if you want to improve your conversion rates. According to research from Microsoft, the first 10 seconds of a page visit are critical for users' decision to stay or leave. Therefore, you must ensure that the content of your website is specifically tailored to user interests if you want more leads.

8. Analyze Your Target Audiences

Analyze the behavioral habits and demographics of the people that are already on your list or are current customers. By determining what they have in common, you can better optimize your website to attract more people from your target groups.

9. Use Lead Generation Tools

Not everything has to be designed directly by your company. In fact, there is a wealth of lead generation tools that are available help you optimize your landing pages, sales funnel and more. Since these tools already focus on the goals that you want to achieve, it is in your best interest to incorporate them into your website’s design.

10. Always Update Your Website

Optimizing your conversion rates doesn’t end with these tips. In fact, you should always be looking for new ways to improve your website. Take advantage of the latest tools and techniques to improve your website to continuously improve your results!