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December 02, 2013 Marketing

Using Your Blog to Boost SEO

We've already talked about the importance of keeping up with your blogging. It lets your audience know that you're still alive and kicking and gives you chance to let your users know what's been going on or any new products you have.

Creating fresh content is a great way to boost your SEO, but did you know you can do more to that fresh content to further boost your SEO and online presence?

So How Can You Do This?

1. Keyword Research

In essence, doing keyword research will help you decide what users are most likely to search for when they're looking for you and what words you should use so search engines will recognize you for whatever it is you want to be found for.

Do your research and decide what words have the best potential for you.

Once you find these keywords, organize them into main categories and sub categories that you could write or tie into articles or blog posts.

2. Creating the Content

Put Yourself Into the Eyes of Your Target Audience

What are they trying to find?
Are they looking for products or services?
Why should they choose you?

Think About What Kind of Article You Want to Write. How Can You Tie It In With What Your Audience Is Looking For?

Is it going to be informative? Persuasive? A "How-to-Guide"? Or just introducing a new product or service?

When writing your article, be sure to use those keywords you found.

You'll definitely want to find a way to work your main keyword into your title and then use those sub keywords else where in the article.

Search Engines, such as Google, also like to see links throughout your website to other parts of your site. So be sure to link those keywords to other relevant parts of your website. But don't over do it, 2 - 3 links will suffice.

Using keywords in your articles and blog posts will help Google determine what it is you do and will give your site a better chance of being found when people search for those keywords.

3. Promoting Your Content

Just publishing your article on your site isn't enough — You'll want to be sure that you post a link to it on your social media platforms. Doing so will help your post reach a much wider audience, and increase the amount of inbound links.

Get creative with how you promote across these social media platforms. If it is an informative article with lots of data or stats, think about creating an eye-catching info graphic to go along with. Info graphics make for great content to post on social media sites, especially Pinterest.

Don't forget, you can always pay to do promoted posts or tweets to get more views from social media platforms.

Email blasts could be a great way to get people to check out your posts. If you already send out weekly or monthly newsletters, adding a "recent news/blogs" section is a great way for users to see what you've been talking about and increase click-rates.

If you really want to go the extra step in promoting your content, you could join forums and other blogs that deal with what you do and answer questions and provide helpful links.

If you decide to do a "how-to-guide" think about turning into a series. This is a great way to help promote, gain attention, and keep your readers coming back.

4. Review Where Your Traffic Is Coming From

You can install Google Analytics to see see where your traffic is coming from, but due to privacy settings, a lot of traffic is not followed, so if you want more detailed information you should have another 3rd party tracking tool as well.

Take a look at your analytics/tracking results and see where most of your traffic is coming from. Focus on those areas where traffic is coming from or perhaps work on strengthening those areas that are not doing as well.

All these tactics aren't something that can be done overnight, but with continuity, dedication, and a little knowledge you can see a big return on your time invested.

Don't have Google Analytics installed on your site or need some help getting your blog running and creating inbound links? Contact 10 Pound Gorilla, and we'll take care of everything from there.