The Learning Lab

November 30, 2023 Web Development

A DNN Front-End Developers Checklist Before Going Live

Your latest project is nearly complete, and you are eager to launch the website. Like Catherine O’Hara from Home Alone, you wonder if you forgot to do something.

Our article Error Proof Website Deployments describes a checklist as a critical component of the website development and deployment process. Having and using a checklist will help avoid issues and commonly forgotten tasks.

At 10 Pound Gorilla, we have an ever-growing checklist of things we work through during our website development and deployment processes, which we’d love to share to kick-start your process of creating your own list.

Pre-Website Launch Checklist

  • Telerik has been removed.
  • The website has been tested for mobile/responsive based on the budget.
  • The website has been tested for accessibility based on the budget.
  • The favicon is set.
  • The copyright information is accurate.
  • The new DNN sitemap and EasyDnnNews sitemap have been added to Google Search Console.
  • The /terms and /privacy pages look good.
  • All images on the site have been compressed & optimized for the web.
  • CSS files are being minified.
  • JS files are being minified.
  • The theme layout and container files have images.
  • SMTP server settings allow for sending emails.
  • User registration is disabled if we are not using for the site.
  • DNN Client Dependency Framework (Client Resource Management) has been enabled.
  • Custom WYSIWYG editor controls have been configured based on the different end-users/roles/groups.
  • 2sxc content types and layout files have images.
  • 2sxc input controls have helpful descriptions and titles for content editors.
  • Unused EasyDnnNEws template directories have been removed.
  • Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics have been connected.
  • Contact forms have been updated to send emails to the appropriate user.

Post-Website Launch Checklist

  • EasyDnnNews module license is working, and we can add/edit/view/modify articles.
  • The 2sxc module works; we can add/edit/view/modify content.
  • ActionForm and LiveForms modules are licensed, and we can add/edit/view/modify the module.
  • ActionForm & LiveForms modules are sending emails to the correct user, and they are receiving submissions.
  • Update Site Alias to redirect. This is useful if you have development domain/URLs you were using.

Image Credit: Adobe Firefly