The Learning Lab

Improved Content Editing Experience in Five Minutes

January 04, 2024 Web Development

There will always be a need for WYSIWYG editors; they provide content editors the ability to create large blocks of paragraph-based content with common elements like lists, links, images, blockquotes, and standard formatting like bold, italics, underlines, etc. The problem most content editors will experience is that the style displayed within the editor will only sometimes display the same to end-users.

An Introductory Look into StyleX

December 29, 2023 Web Development

Earlier this month, Meta open-sourced their system for styling web applications. Named StyleX, this system powers the CSS for most of their public-facing properties, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and more.

Improve Analytics by Excluding Internal Traffic

December 27, 2023 Web Development

Google Analytics can be a powerful tool to help you and your organization make informed decisions when managing, updating, and enhancing your website.

Internal traffic to your website from you and your team can distort the reports in Analytics and give you inaccurate data. To help solve this, we can implement internal traffic filters in Google Analytics to exclude this data from reporting.

Unveiling CSS Nesting: Beyond Preprocessors!

December 19, 2023 Web Development

Greetings, fellow front-end enthusiasts! Today, let's discuss something revolutionizing our CSS experience - CSS Nesting. And no, we're not just referring to preprocessors like SASS or LESS anymore. CSS Nesting has officially entered the realm of native CSS, and it's time to get excited!


That's bananas!