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5 “Must Do” Items to Enhance Your Marketing

November 01, 2017 Marketing

Because mobile has become increasingly effervescent in today’s world, companies like Google and Facebook have started affecting your search placements based on the mobile friendliness of your website and ad campaigns. Put simply: when thinking about your website and content, mobile friendliness should be at the top of the list.

Retargeting: Never Lose Sight Of Your Website Visitor

October 27, 2017 Marketing

Often people focus all their money and effort on driving traffic to their website. But what happens after they leave? Does your relationship end? It shouldn't. ROI can be maximized by staying in touch and never losing site of your visitor. But how? With retargeting aka remarketing.

Quality Websites Need Quality Typography

August 02, 2017 UI/UX Design

What is a font? What is a typeface? Are these words interchangeable? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, this one is for you. If you ever question how important typography is to any design, this one is for you also.

Web Development Meets Web Analytics: The Knowledge Gap

July 31, 2017 Marketing

Beyond the many challenges of developing a website from start to finish, companies that choose to develop their website in-house also face challenges when it comes to the marketing aspect of their sites. These challenges may stem from budget limitations, lack of knowledge and in-house expertise, difficulties of dealing with and optimizing for different platforms, and tackling the complex world of web analytics.

Responsive Design: It's More Than Just Design

July 17, 2017 Web Development

Responsive web design enables a website's layout to change based on the screen size/resolution of the device it is displayed on. A website should respond to screens of all types and sizes, including mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, and televisions.
